Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers
Daisypath Happy Birthday tickers

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Wow, it has been a long time!

It has been way too long to try and update everything we missed....so let me catch you up to speed!
We are so blessed and had a wonderful fall, Thanksgiving, and Christmas!

Above is a pic of our sweet Malorie! Josh is holding her by her cast......I know it looks crazy but she is in an almost full body cast called a "spica cast!"

In late October we found out that Malorie has hip dysplasia and would need a small surgery to correct the problem! So, with much anticipation from her Mommy and Daddy....M went into surgery on December 21st to have what is called a Closed Reduction! Basically, the Dr. manually put her hip back in the socket manually and held it still while the big cast was applied! They use dye in her hip to monitor everything closely! So far, all is holding well! We did find out last week that she will wear a spica cast until mid March! Yikes!
M goes back in on Feb. 9th to get a new cast....but in order to place it correctly they will have to put her to sleep again! So your prayers are much appreciated!

So, caring for M in this big cast can be quite a challenge....but it is doable! She cannot sit up, so we use pillows to prop her up but she cannot lean over very far...so it makes playing and eating pretty hard! We just play and eat together! She is starting to scoot around on her tummy some, but her little head gets tired....so she is held much of the time!

The diapering is not quite as bad as I anticipated! She has a small opening around her bottom, so I use a size 1 diaper (with a maxi-pad inside) then I put a size 5 or 6 around the outside to hold everything in place! I do have to change her pretty often.....kind of like a newborn..but it has not been hard! I get up around 1:30 every night to change her so the cast stays dry!

I know I am putting lots of info.....but, I too, want to remember all of these details!

I will try and do my best to be better at this blogging thing!

Thanks for lifting up our little M!

By the way, big Sister Delanie is doing a great job of helping care of M! In fact, she picked out the color of the cast and has already chosen purple for the next one!! That's my girl!


Val, Brax and Harper said...

i am so glad to see her smiling. and happy to hear the logistics of the cast aren't too bad! i will call you soon, i have been working more this month than usual so the time has flown. love you girl! you are such a great momma!